Colonial America, Obediah Martin (1738-

Who is Obediah Martin?

Obadiah Martin has been an elusive relative that has intrigued me from the beginning.  My Obadiah is the youngest son of James and Elizabeth (Crawford) Martin. What makes him so difficult to track is his nephew Obadiah. The younger Obadiah is the son of older Obadiah’s brother David and the two are often confused. Both Obadiah’s are born in Virginia in the same Martin family (uncle/nephew), both moved to North Carolina just after the Revolutionary War, and both moved to Claiborne County, TN around 1800. I find many Martin researchers confusing the two – so I am on a mission to find out more about Obadiah Martin (senior) and his life. I have a lot of information on him now, but there are gaps and questions, so like every good genealogist researcher, we go to the source. Tomorrow I am headed to Claiborne County, East Tennessee to research Obadiah. My first stop will be in Tazewell for a review of local documents and then I will take a trip to Martin Cemetery Road where the elder Obadiah is said to be buried. From there I will head to Big Springs Primitive Baptist Church where Obadiah is said to have been a Preacher during his final years.

I will report back……..

Happy researching….



8 thoughts on “Who is Obediah Martin?

  1. Hi Deborah,
    I am looking for confirmation that Capt. James Martin’s (my 8x great grandfather) parents are Abrahm (1644-1711) and Rebecca Bell Martin. I would appreciate any assistance you might be able to give.

    Thank you,
    Susan Pitman Loertscher

    1. Hi Susan, I apologize for the delayed response – I didn’t realize people were reading my blog! Capt. James Martin is my g grandfather as well and I do not believe his parents were Abrahm and Rebeca Bell. There is just too much evidence against it and as of yet, I have seen no primary document supporting it. I have a post going up later today about this. But I believe this is one of the biggest misreported statements about the Martin family.

  2. I’m related to obadiah Martin. his son is Naaman Martin (born 10/1809). if u could help me in any way I would truly appreciate it.

    1. Hi Bonnie,
      I’ve never heard the name Naaman Martin before. Do you have more information about him such as where he was born and his mothers name? There were three Obadiah Martin’s from the same family around 1800-1810. My Obadiah died of old age in 1812, I doubt is he is the father of Naaman. Could it be the son of Obadiah Martin Benge?

  3. Deborah – I am also researching Obadiah Martin, recently untangling him from the “other” Obadiah Martin, brother of Salathiel. I am evidently descendent from him through his son, Thomas D. and granddaughter Lucinda, who married Martin Fugate. So, anything new? Would love to see what original sources you have. Don’t know where you are located, but I am very frequently “in the neighborhood” of the 19th Century Martins, Rileys, Fugates and Parkeys, and like to know exactly where these people lived and are buried. The census reports mean a little more when you know this stuff. Would love to compare notes… Thanks, Scott Fugate

    1. Hi Scott,
      Thomas D. is my ggrandfather’s brother. My relative is Joel C. Martin, Thomas and Joel are both sons of Menan Mills Martin. They were both born in Overton County, TN and in 1851 the two brothers went to Arkansas. Several years ago I took my father to the old Martin property in Arkansas and we met several lost Martin relatives. They gave us some interesting stories about Old Joe and Tom. Tom was a blacksmith and carpenter in Arkansas. Joel is buried in the Martin cemetery in Baxter County, I will have to double check my notes, but I believe Tom is as well. I will pull the information and share. Menan is buried in the Organ family cemetery not too far from Livingston TN. He lived next door to the Organ family and this cemetery is on the old border between these two properties.

    2. Hi Scott, I found an 1841 land deed from Lucy Martin to Enoch More where she sold old Obadiah’s land in Claiborne County. A note at the bottom says Lucy and nephew Ingabo Noe moved to Missouri after selling the 340 acres. Enoch More then sold the land to William Fugate, husband of Nancy Riley and son-in-law of John and Anna Riley. The land was later in the possession of Thomas Riley, son of John Riley. A few years ago I drove to the Martin Cemetery outside of Tazewell, TN – I believe that’s the same piece of land that Obadiah lived on. I actually saw some of the land for sale on Zillow last month.

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